Friday, June 15, 2007

Week 4-Thing 9: Library feeds

From the MERLIN website I most enjoyed creating my own avatar. When I was searching that particular component of the site, I discovered the link to MEEZ and had a blast creating my own!

Then I went over to my bloglines account and, using the bloglines search feature, found the MERLIN feed and subscribed to it. I had already searched for and added a few other library-related feeds, so I didn't really have any trouble finding and subscribing to this one. I liked using the search engine provided by bloglines best because I just search, click, and it is automatically added to my subscriptions!

Week 4-Thing 8: RSS Feeds

I have successfully created my bloglines accout.

I liked that I could completely personalize my feeds. I subscribed to some general feeds like Fashion Week and Word/Quote of the Day, but I was also able to subscribe to feeds about my favorite bands, celebrities, and shoes!

I think that because I can personalize everything about my bloglines subscriptions that I will WANT to check up on my feeds. I subscribed to some interesting library-related feeds and so I am able to ENJOY learning new things concerning libraries/librarians. :)

I think that libraries can use RSS Feeds to bring library-related news to the public. By making intriguing feeds libraries can interest the general public into subscribing to their feeds, thus helping to get people excited about learning.

I enjoyed learning about feeds. I even added one at the bottom of the page! :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Week 3-Thing 7: Technology

I very recently purchased my own digital camera. It is a pink Polaroid i733 and I love it! I can now easily share pictures on myspace and facebook, and can even utilize a flickr account! Pretty much every day I am snapping pictures of something (be it friends, flowers, sunsets, or family members) and so I feel like it was definitely worth the cost!

Week 3-Thing 6: Mashups

For this activity I visited and tested out two things that seemed like they'd be cool. I ended up choosing both the "Warholizer" and "Framer" applications.
I think that both resulted in very neat-looking pictures. I found the website easy to use and I even emailed it to myself for future personal use!